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Willed Ignorance

The ebook is available for FREE on my website.  


100% of net proceeds from papaeback copies will be distributed to national and local charities!


In a world where suicide has become the second leading cause of death for ages 10-14 and 20-34, it is crucial that we open our eyes to the silent suffering that plagues our society. In this poignant and deeply personal non-fiction account, it's my effort to shed light on the grim reality of suicide and its devastating impact on individuals, families, and communities.


Drawing on harrowing statistics and heartfelt personal anecdotes, Willed Ignorance exposes the widespread prevalence of depression and addiction, which afflicts one in every five people at some point in their lives. Depression and addiction are not a weakness but an illness, that can cripple not only the victim but also those left behind.

Willed Ignorance

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